For more than 25 years, Eric has worked around the world providing engaging executive education to business leaders who supervise professionals with accounting and finance responsibilities.

Catering to individuals and small groups at leading corporations, Eric educates on topics ranging from basic accounting and finance reporting, to budgeting and capital decision making, to lease negotiations. This niche technical training gives executives the knowledge and confidence to lead their finance teams, better communicate and manage their accounting and finance personnel, and more effectively negotiate and manage real estate assets.

These courses range from just a few hours to an entire week, subject to the particulars of the clients and target audience. Sample executive education courses Eric has taught for individual multinational clients, investment banks, and other audiences include:

  • Accounting and Finance for Non-Accounting Professionals
  • Issues in Leases and Lease Negotiations
  • Issues in Cost and Managerial Accounting
  • Macroeconomics and Economic Forecasting
  • Fundamentals of Investing
  • Investing in Real Assets (e.g., Commodities and Real Estate)
  • Real Estate Joint Ventures
  • Valuation
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Financial Accounting and Issues in Corporate Financial Reporting

Eric’s fees for executive education vary and are subject to individual negotiation.